Hello LTT Members, relatives, sponsors and friends…and many more visiting this exciting news post.

This is a formal invitation to the induction by Paul Sheahan AM, of Adam Gilchrist AM, into the role of the inaugural National Ambassador for Lord’s Taverners Australia. This is a seriously exciting development, for all the obvious reasons!

Taverners from all over Australia have indicated their intention to attend this momentous occasion, so please join us if you can.

When: Tuesday 15 August 2017 – 7:00pm

Where: Steve Waugh Dining Room – Sydney Cricket Ground.
Address: Driver Avenue, Moore Park, Sydney, NSW, 2000

As an exclusive invitation to all LTT Members, you can book online at www.trybooking.com/QGKV.
Or for more information contact: Stan Gilchrist | stantavs2@gmail.com | mobile 0412664617