Samuel Walker Tasmania’s raising star of the Para Athletics world.  

‏On Saturday 18 March,14yo Tasmanian student Samuel Walker, ran a World Junior Para Championships qualifier in Hobart at the Tasmanian Open and Masters Championships.

‏Samuel is a Para Athlete with Cerebral Palsy and his last minute qualification left his family scrambling to find the money to compete at Sydney’s Australian Athletics Championships the next weekend.

‏The Lords Taverners Tasmania Branch was able to assist Samuel and his family with accommodation and expenses.

‏As the excitement grew our NSW Lords Taverner’s Branch helped out offering to drive Sam and his family and covering taxi costs.

‏This was Sam and his Mother’s first trip to Sydney, and as it turns out, one they will never forget.

‏Sam won Gold in the para 100m at the Australian Athletics Championships and as well as a massive personal best, his time of 12.48 set a new National Record. He then backed it up with gold in the 200m.

‏“Sam is someone were so proud to be involved with” said Robert Bilyk the President of the Lords Taverner’s Tasmania Branch. “We all have our fingers crossed he is selected for the World Championships”