Like almost every charity organisation, Taverners has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

While we continue to strive to help the young and disadvantaged play sport, we rely on our generous donors, sponsors and supporters to provide us with the funds we need to assist our beneficiaries. Due to the restrictions imposed to restrict the spread of the virus, Taverners Tasmania has needed to cancel two fundraising events.

This reduction in fundraising will mean that we will have to carefully review what we can do for our beneficiaries in the coming year. Of course we continue to welcome any support we can get from our donors.

In this news update you will read about our continuing fundraiser, the 2020 Taverners wine offer. We will also introduce our 2020 award winners. These awards would have been presented at our cricket event that was to be held in March but it is important to celebrate these award winners. I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading about them here.


This award is for a young athlete with a disability who displays sportsmanship and a spirit of fun and inspiration in their sporting endeavours.

The 2020 winner of the Jim Bacon award is Sophie Ferguson. Sophie is supported by Mosaic Support services and is a keen participant in all sports offered, including, Ten Pin Bowling, cricket, basketball, soccer, volleyball, netball, table tennis, walking, swimming and dance, Sophie has to overcome many barriers to play these sports, but is prepared to have a go with a huge smile on her face. She is determined to learn new skills and displays spirit, sportsmanship and is a great role model while playing. She is a very worthy winner of the Jim Bacon Award for 2020.


This award is for a young athlete with a disability who displays spirit, courage and determination in pursuing their personal sporting goal.

The 2020 winner of the Ron Barassi award is Craig Blaschke. Craig is supported by New Horizons Tasmania and plays AFL football at Club and State level and cricket at a club and state level and aims to play these sports and touch football at the highest level he can achieve. He represented Tasmania at the 2019 National AFL Inclusion Carnival and performed so well that he was selected in the All Australian team. He also represented Tasmania at the 2019-20 National Cricket Inclusion Championships and performed magnificently as an opening bowler and a top order batsman throughout the weeklong championships. Craig is a role model for his peers, a natural leader who actively encourages his friends to pursue their sporting ambitions.


Two awards are presented each year, one each to a promising young male and a young female cricketer aged 16 or 17 years old. Young Taverners are nominated by Cricket Tasmania based on their attitude and aptitude. In accordance with the Taverners ideals, the nominees are also people who have had to overcome adversity to achieve so far in their career.

The Young Taverners for 2020 are :

Kate Sherriff.

Kate is a member of the Tasmanian Under 18 team and home for her is Flinders Island. She lives with her grandparents in Launceston where she attends school. Her commitment to the Cricket Academy program during the summer has been outstanding and is further demonstrated by remaining in Launceston during the cricket season so she can attend all sessions of the program. She is a raw talent in terms of her skills, but has a great attitude to her cricket and exhibits the commitment and values that we consider important to Tasmanian Cricket. She is a worthy beneficiary of this award.

Sam Freeman.

Sam was a member of the Tasmanian Under 17 team that played in the National Championships in October 2019. He is a left arm orthodox spinner who is a great competitor and shows outstanding commitment to any team that he is part of. He lives at George Town on the East Tamar, so travels to Launceston for training twice or three times a week. He is also part of the CT Pathway Academy Program based in the north. He has a bright future and will benefit enormously from receiving this award. He is the younger brother of Jarrod Freeman who was the recipient of the award in 2017.


These awards all provide valuable funds to these young athletes to continue their sporting endeavours. The Taverners can make these awards because we regularly hold fundraising events that are attended by many generous supporters. However during the current COVID 19 crisis there are restrictions on social gatherings and we are unable to do our normal fundraising.

There are 3 ways to support Tavs Tas, including membership, direct donation or our wine offer. We would welcome donations made directly to our bank account or via our Inclusive Community Fund.

1) See ways to purchase membership, donate and support page here:

See all options

2) Alternatively – direct deposits can be made into Taverners’ bank accounts below:

Lord’s Taverners Tasmania Branch Account details:
BSB: 067002
Account No : 28045309

Tax deductible donations can be made to the Taverners Foundation and these funds will find their way back to the Tasmanian Branch

Taverners Foundation Account Details:
BSB: 033106
Account No: 390861

Please include your name with your remittance and then email your Tasmanian Branch Chairman so that your tax receipt can be sent to you. Robert Bilyk:

3) Taverners national wine fundraiser:
A portion of the funds raised through the wine fundraiser are returned to the Tasmanian branch.

See wine offer here